Please visit our ‘Evaluations’ page.
The ANC does not perform the medical assessments required to confirm neuroinflammation (such as blood work or imaging); however, our providers are well-versed in the clinical presentations of PANS/PANDAS. If these conditions are suspected during the evaluation process, we may recommend further medical assessments to investigate these concerns.
ANC is dedicated to evaluating a diverse range of developmental and cognitive profiles. However, for our evaluations (as constructed and priced) to provide meaningful and actionable insights, the child must be able to engage with and complete testing. If a child has significant functional impairments that make it challenging to participate in a comprehensive testing battery (3-4 hours)—such as severe developmental delays, profound communication barriers, or limited stamina—testing may not yield interpretable results. In such cases, we will discuss modifications to the evaluation process and pricing adjustments.
Our practice specializes in evaluations for children, adolescents, and young adults. We do not evaluate adults, but we can refer you to local practices that do. If you need assistance finding an adult provider, visit our website and locate the Resources page.
In Arizona, once a child reaches the age of 18, they are considered an adult. Patients 18 years of age and older must complete their own Policies & Procedures documents and provide their informed consent before the evaluation. Keep in mind that if your child turns 18 prior to their scheduled evaluation date, they will need to complete this paperwork.
We do not schedule pre-evaluation discussions with our clinicians. For additional pre-evaluation questions, please visit the FAQ, Evaluations, or Get in Touch pages.
Our psychological ethical code allows us to make clinical recommendations up to one year after an evaluation. However, if it has been over a year, our professional board does not permit us to make any recommendations without considering new information. We encourage you to consult your child’s ongoing treatment provider for more guidance on specific clinical questions.
Our provider’s clinical reports are designed to provide all the neuropsychological and adaptive functioning information required by DDD and ALTCHS to inform their eligibility decisions. From a clinical perspective, our practice ensures the assessments are comprehensive and aligned with the documentation these state systems typically require. However, while our reports support the application process, we cannot guarantee the evaluation will result in DDD eligibility, as final decisions are made by the state.
Our evaluations include the collection of data that may be used by educational teams to determine a student’s eligibility for special education in the following areas: Preschool Delay, Developmental Delay, Specific Learning Disability, Other Health Impairment, Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury, Intellectual Disabilities, and Emotional Disabilities. Additionally, the information may be used to create a 504 Accommodation Plan when necessary. While the evaluator’s impressions may indicate areas that inform the need for additional support or accommodations, the school’s Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team (MET) ultimately determines eligibility for special education or other services.
We provide evaluations for children ages five and older, extending through early adulthood until 25 years old. For those seeking evaluations for infants, toddlers, or older adults, please visit our ‘Resources’ page for local providers.
In joint custody cases, we are legally required to obtain consent from both legal guardians before proceeding with the evaluation. If consent from both guardians is not provided, we cannot proceed with the process. The evaluation will be canceled or rescheduled.
In situations of separated or divorced parents, ANC providers do not conduct separate Intake or Feedback meetings with parents. Our focus is solely on the patient being evaluated, and our experience has been that all involved parties with legal authority to participate in the process are entitled to the same information throughout the evaluation process. This avoids confusion for parents. ANC believes a collective and collaborative approach involving parents and providers leads to better patient outcomes.
The ANC does not offer screeners or truncated evaluations. Instead, our providers use a battery of assessments to examine the functions of diverse neurocognitive processes. These assessments provide detailed information regarding a child’s social, emotional, behavioral, and academic functioning. Our neuropsychological evaluations encompass testing for conditions such as Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia.
We want to welcome you to our practice officially and are looking forward to the opportunity to work together. We encourage our families to review the following information, which contains essential information concerning their upcoming appointment.
Children often have many questions about the purpose of testing and what they will be expected to do. Below are questions and answers we encourage you to discuss with your child before their appointment.